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Lindsey Graham moved the heart of the nation with her story.

Her fight to protect her business, her family, and her freedom resonates clearly with conservatives, Republicans, and American women. Now firmly planted in the midst of the fight against cancel culture, her voice ignites the spirit of patriots across the country in unified pursuit of unfettered freedom.

Lindsey's Bio

Lindsey Graham is the Patriot Barbie – a loud, proud, pro-gun, pro-life, Jesus-loving, red-blooded conservative, Republican woman. She is a fierce voice for conservative women, a spitfire advocate for small business owners, an authentic patriot standing for American values.

Her story sounds like something out of a wild conspiracy theory novel – it couldn’t possibly have happened here in America… yet it did. Lindsey’s personal fight against the unreal woke agenda of the left brought her to the table of American political discourse, but the left couldn’t stomach what she had to say. She’s been deleted from social media platforms, censored and silenced by the media, and even defunded by GoFundMe. Liberal platforms worked double-overtime in an effort to shut down her conservative voice, but she’s still speaking. And she’s not stopping.

Legal Battle In Oregon

In 2020, when COVID-19 struck the nation, Lindsey Graham was the owner of the highly successful Glamour Salon in Salem, Oregon. When the state of Oregon bashed business owners with unprecedented lockdowns and mandates, Graham and Glamour Salon became a pivotal player at the center of the argument against these unconstitutional measures. Her name and face were splashed all over major media outlet headlines, and her defiance sparked a national conversation about the rights of business owners in the face of egregious government overreach in the midst of the COVID-19 government-manufactured chaos.

When a liberal from her local area poked fun at Lindsey, mocking her as “The Patriot Barbie,” Lindsey jumped at the opportunity to flip the script and embrace the persona. Since then, Lindsey has been humbled at the outpouring of heartfelt support from patriots all across the country, praising her bravery, courage, and spirit. Her decision to do what was RIGHT in the face of threatening government overreach served as a catalyst for uniting Americans.

News Media Sensation

Lindsey has been featured on dozens of national, regional, and local news outlets. She’s had conversations with some of America’s most respected political hosts: Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, Lars Larson, Megyn Kelly, David J. Harris Jr., Sebastian Gorka, just to name a few. Despite cancel culture’s desperate attempts to suppress the details of her story, she continues to unapologetically share her message with news outlets and on her social media platforms in an effort to ensure that what happened to her business, family, and community will not ever happen again. Her experience is a warning bell for Americans – a glimpse at what could be if we fail to protect our God-given liberties and American freedoms.

Moving Forward

Lindsey closed her landmark salon in Salem, Oregon. Of course, the cancel culture believes they “won” and ran her out of town. According to Lindsey, leaving Oregon with her family and restarting in a safe, welcoming place has been the biggest blessing of her life. Now in Arizona, Lindsey has embarked on an anointed journey as a bold conservative voice. With strong faith and an unwavering conviction, Lindsey is now an American icon; blossoming from one life altering moment in 2020. 

Known for her viral activism, Lindsey has become the fierce, bold and unapologetic voice for patriots, Christians and women across America as one of the most inspiring speakers in our country.

Her candid boldness gives her fans and followers hope, backbone, and courage to unapologetically stand up for their rights, freedoms and beliefs in the midst of a tyranny that has become commonplace.

From entrepreneur to media icon, Lindsey has become an influential conservative leader in both business and faith based endeavors.

Lindsey is a wife, a mom of three, a pro-life activist, a national keynote speaker and a two-time author of her memoir, Targeted as well as a children's faith-based book. She is the founder and President of Galatians Girl, a 501c3 non profit serving and supporting women. 

A powerhouse entrepreneur, Lindsey owns an apparel company, The Patriot Barbie Shop and is the co-founder of the conservative fashion brand Pretty Little Patriot. Lindsey co-founded Patriot Ventures; a payment processing company serving high risk companies and is a brand ambassador for Launch Cart. She also runs a successful network marketing brand called My Freedom Cart.

SIDE NOTE: Apparently, the wildly liberal Oregon news media reporter Whitney Woodworth, who has been labeled a class B reporter in Salem, missed Lindsey so much that she attempted to follow her family to Arizona, slander her new business, and create a threatening environment in her new home. Ironically, Woodworth’s plans backfired and resulted in more support for Lindsey’s movement. It’s crystal clear that leftist media targets Lindsey, and it’s also evident that God’s ways are higher than ours, and continually turn bad into good.

Finding The Blessing: God has protected Lindsey’s family, blessed their journey, and divinely inspired their path forward. Every ounce of the fight is fueled by faith in God and belief in America. Lindsey continues to fight for fellow Americans, their rights, and their upstanding values. She cannot be cancelled, and she will not be silenced.

--- Read The Full Story


Still want more details on Lindsey’s story and her unprecedented rise to fame as the Patriot Barbie? Graham highlights her crusade as a beacon of liberty for all business owners with her tell-all book, TARGETED. You’ve seen the news reels, but in the book, Lindsey gives readers an in-depth account of the personal story that unfolded behind the camera lights. Readers experience the raw emotion of a family attempting to rebuild after tyrannical government threats and cancel culture shook their world to the core. Read the story of Lindsey rising above the fray and calling out leftist hypocrisy for its cheap shots and disillusioned lies.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9


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Have I not commanded you! Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified.

Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9